Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 12, 2013

I feel like I've skimped out recently on blogs. Sorry, but this one is better.

So what is it like in December in LA? While most of you have had a snow/ice storm, the lowest it's been here is the upper 30's. It rained a day too! Pretty miserable right? The high today was in the mid-60's with a couple of clouds. I sure can't complain about the weather. But it really doesn't have that Christmas feel quite yet. Even though I see Christmas trees on top of cars, hear carols playing on the radio, and see lights on sky scrapers, I have yet to feel that Christmas spirit. The Christmas season is just different out here. Not bad by any means. Just different.


Two Weekends Ago:

Annie came to town! (I forgot to get a picture with her. We only Snapchatted. Sorry) We went to an open recording session at CUT Recordings. Stoll Vaughan (Lexingtonian) performed some stuff. Loved spending time with Kentuckians and hearing familiar sounding music.

Two Community Days ago:

We went to a place called Travel Town. It had all sorts of mobiles (like automobiles) with an emphasis on trains. Can't say that I expected to have as much fun as I did.

Last Weekend:

After reading the book Toxic Charity (read it now or else don't read it now), the deacons at FPCH have decided to do their best to do charity with the most benefits. This year they hosted a store with items (that were donated) priced at 20% of their original price. This is a way for the less fortunate to purchase presents for their family and friends without feeling like they are receiving handouts. The festivities were abound with a live jazz group, photo booth, and tamale luncheon!

From left to right: Eliou, John (me), Andy

This week:

Community Day! We went to Forest Lawn - Glendale. Originally planning to view a stained glass exhibit, we found ourselves exploring a mausoleum and enjoying the green things (there aren't many of those in LA).

Not only did we go to Forest Lawn, but we also went the Americana at Brand to see what a shopping center looks like during the Christmas season here. The tree was over 50ft high and there was a trolley that ran through the area. It felt like a movie.
From left to right: Freddie, John, Tara, Laura, Chantel, Brent


Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to Chantel. She will be leaving us this Saturday, and it has been a challenging time for all of us. However, last night we went out for dessert as a farewell from DOOR. She has been a blessing and has taught us all so much. She will be missed!
Charlotte (Matthew's daughter) fell asleep during the festivities.

The winter refuge shelter starts January 5. We will be housing about 30 guests, giving them dinner, a place to sleep, and breakfast each day for 8 weeks. One of my duties here is to coordinate this shelter. We divide the volunteering into 4 blocks, giving churches two weeks to volunteer in the shelter. Along with being there during the mornings and evenings I will be ensuring that volunteers are present each evening and morning, a task to say the least. Busy busy every day.
Me making over 1000 copies
You've got to smile through the little things. Otherwise they won't be as fun.

My time here so far has been such a blessing, but I sure can't wait to be back home for Christmas.
Thank you all for your support!
